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Mid to Late War British Fairbairn Sykes Mk 2, Fighting/ Commando Knife


1 in stock


Mid to Late War British Fairbairn Sykes Mk 2, Fighting/ Commando Knife. Overall length 13 in, blade length 6. 1/4 in. Double edged blade to a silver grey steel finish with evidence of sharpening to all edges and the remains of darkened black finish to both sides at the rocaso. Ribbed copper grips with most dark finish now absent except between the ribs. The pommel clearly marked with a “2”. The brown leather scabbard with some scuffs, dings and age wear, complete with its aged and darkened chape and side fasteners with signs of having been sewn to something. The upper leather belt strap fitting complete and attached, but the elastic is parted.

It is illegal to sell edged weapons to anyone who is or appears to be under the age of 18 in the UK and we so we will need irrefutable proof of the purchasers age with payment via cash (insured postage please), cheque, postal order or money order.

Payment via cash (insured postage please), cheque,postal order or money order.

Credit/Debit Card: Delta, Electron, JCB, Maestro, Mastercard, Pin Train, Solo, UK Maestro or VISA

Please call 01538 702738 to arrange payment and collection.


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